فسرها الكثير كل حسب هواه فنسمع بعض هذه التفسيرات مثل :
1-يشيع البعض انها كلمه يهوديه و تعني إلهُنا (الاله) باللغه العبريه وهو الاله الذي ينتظره اليهود في تورآتهم المحرفه لأنهم يؤمنون بأنه سيأتي ويتبعوه
ويقتل كل من لا يؤمن به ويرفع من شأن اليهود..
ويؤمنون ايضا ...انه لن يأتي حتى يُبنى هيكل سليمان فوق أنقاض المسجد الاقصى
وأن لظهوره علامات لا أتذكر منها الا ظهور البقره الحمراء
هي بقي شيء واحد ومهم...
2-ويقال ان معنى كلمة ياهوو هو الياه ياه وهو اسم بهيمه عند اليهود وموقعهم باسمها
3-كما يقال ان معنى كلمة ياهوو هي كلمة تعبييريه عن الفرحه لدى الشباب الغربي وانه عندما علم صاحب موقع ياهو وقتها عن الانترنت اطلق هذه الكلمة فرحا ثم سجل اسم الموقع بهذا الاسم.
4-ومن معانيها حسب المعاجم الوقح والفظ وحيوان معين وكلها كلمات سيئة
أما تفسير الشركة نفسها لهذا الإسم مختلف تماما عن هذه التفسيرات وهو كالآتي :
Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
بعد أن كان الأسم الأصلي والطويل أيضا هو
David's and Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web
فالشركة يا أحبتي ليس لديها الوقت
الفائض لتلتفت للمعنى الذي يقره بعض علماء السوء الذين سمّموا أفكار
شعوبهم , وسأنقل لكم مقتبسات من أحد المواقع الرصينة وليست عربية لله الحمد
والذي هو من ممتلكات شركة
(The New York Times Company ) والتي تمتلك أشهر الصحف الأمريكية
Question: What Does 'Yahoo' Stand For?
Answer: Yahoo! (spelled with an exclamation mark) is
short for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". This odd and
rather long name was coined in 1994 by two electrical engineering PhD
candidates at Stanford University: David Filo and Jerry Yang.
The original name: "David's and Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web", was
appropriate, but not exactly catchy. They used the dictionary to come
up with “Yahoo!”, a term that anyone can remember and say with ease.
More importantly, Jerry and David said they liked the definition of a
yahoo: "rude, unsophisticated, uncouth."
In the end, the word Yahoo! did
roughly describe it as a web search directory. The term "hierarchical"
described how the Yahoo! database was arranged in directory layers. The
term "oracle" was intended to mean "source of truth and wisdom". And
"officious" described the many office workers who would use the Yahoo!
database while surfing from work.
and David loved to surf the Web. The Web was only 5 years old and still
relatively “small” in 1994, but with thousands of websites being
created daily, it was rather difficult to find anything fast. So, the
two students built Yahoo! as their own guide to the World Wide Web! In
their own words, they were “just trying to take all that stuff and
organize it to make it useful”.
and David spent many nights collating the list of their favorite
websites into the Yahoo! database. At first, the list was manageable
but, soon, it became too large to navigate with ease. This is when the
huge list got divided into categories. After a while, the categories
also became too full and had to be split into subcategories. This, of
course, became what is known as the “context based” search concept
behind Yahoo!.
by the word of mouth, the Yahoo! audience grew quickly. Within a year,
the Stanford network became so clogged with Yahoo! web search traffic,
Jerry and David had to move their Yahoo! database to the Netscape
and Jerry had recognized Yahoo!’s potential as a corporate business,
and incorporated in March of ‘95. They both left their graduate studies
to work on Yahoo! full time. In April 1995, the investors of Sequoia
Capital funded Yahoo! with an initial investment of nearly $2 million.
Also, at this time, David and Jerry hired Tim Koogle as CEO and Jeffrey
Mallett as COO into the ranks of their management team. More funding
came later in 1995 from investors Softbank and Reuters Ltd. Yahoo!, as a
team of 49 employees, went IPO in April of 1996.
the words of Tim Koogle, Yahoo! has been "an exercise in sleep
deprivation". The concept that was intuitive, well devised and ahead of
its time, became Yahoo! Inc. – a leading global Internet communications,
commerce and media company that offers plethora of network services to
more than 345 million individuals each month worldwide.
David and Jerry, who are in their mid-thirties, are billionaires.
Neither of them ever went back to finish their PhD studies, but they are
both ranked by Forbes as two of the 400 wealthiest men in America.
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